Monday, May 30, 2011

Conjugate Crossfit Test Week- Day 2

4 rounds:
7 stomach to bar pullups
15 kettlebell swings 24kg
30 walking lunges

Time- 7:10

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Conjugate Crossfit Test Week- Day 1

I am doing this in my basement so I don't have access to all the equipment I would ideally use,  but I'll make due.

Front Squat 1 rep max- 240, got the bounce on 250 but my elbows dropped
Deficit Sumo Deadlift- worked up to 205x5 then ran out of small plates, felt very easy
Good Mornings- 3x12 75#
Weighted Situps- 3 sets with 30#

Friday, May 27, 2011

Return of the Blog!!

After a spring hiatus, the blog is back!

I went up to the CFE swimming seminar up at St. Michael's this past weekend run by Coach Brian Nabeta. It was great- learned a lot and got some great feedback on my freestyle. We have some good stuff in the works for this upcoming year, I'll keep you all updated.

After a few months focusing on strength development with Crossfit Football, it's time to start mixing up the programming. Most of you are going to a box back at home, so just follow their workouts. For myself, I will be doing a program based on Chris Mason's conjugate Crossfit template from the CFJ. This upcoming week is a test run week, followed by a travel-shortened week before I follow a 3 week wave while at TPSC at Kenyon. I'll post my workouts and results. After that I am going to be trying out the Conjugate-CFE model Brian Mackenzie posted on his blog,, to give it a run before the season. I will post all of that as well.

If anyone needs programming, technique or workout feedback, mobility help, or anything else, hit me up and I'll make sure to help you out.