Wednesday, November 30, 2011

12/1/11- BAWSE (Rick Ross voice)

General Dynamic Warmup
Junkyard Dog Warmup

Dynamic Effort Split Jerks- 10 sets of 2 at Monday's Press weight, alternating stances
Focus is on-
Organized Midline!
Shoulder Position Overhead!

Tabata Mashup-
Power Cleans

Here are some great K-Star videos

Monday, November 28, 2011

11/29/11- Strength Day!

General Dynamic Warmup
Dynamic Hip Prep

Back Squat- 3 rep max
Dynamic Deadlifts
3 sets max reps Knees-to-Elbows

Mobility Videos!
Super helpful for this workout!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

11/28/11- Back From Break!

Running Drills
Dynamic Shoulder Prep/Kipping Practice

Max Effort Shoulder Press

Four 4:00 rounds with 1:00 rest between rounds--
20 Pullups (First scale will be number of pullups, then ring rows)
4 laps around Nelson
AMRAP Double-Unders (sub will be burpees)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

YouTube Channel!

We now have a YouTube channel! Right now it's just some strength footage but we are looking to keep adding to it! Check it out!

Thanksgiving Break Workouts!

I will post two days worth of complete workouts. One does not require any equipment other than a pullup bar, the other requires gym equipment. If you have any questions, call text or e-mail me! We've been working hard all year and have to keep doing what we're doing. 

Workout 1

Strength: 3 sets of max reps strict pullups

4 rounds for time:
400m run (you can sub rowing instead of running if you have access to an erg)
25 Burpees

Workout 2

Strength: Dynamic Back Squats- 10 sets of 2 at 70% of your 1rm

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes-
10 DB Snatch per arm
20 Walking Lunges

Sunday, November 20, 2011

11/21/11- Strength Day!

- I will be posting workouts over break! I will post 2 options: one for those of you with access to a gym and equipment, one for those without access to equipment.
- If anyone is going to be around Tuesday afternoon and is interested in doing a workout LET ME KNOW!

15:00 to work up to a heavy Snatch
15:00 to work up to a heavy set of 5 for Deadlift
15:00 to work up to a max height Box Jump

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/17/11- Dirty Nasty Speed

General Dynamic Warmup
Shoulder Prep

Max Effort Push Jerk

4 rounds:
6 Thrusters
12 Burpees
Rest 2:00

Monday, November 14, 2011

11/15/11- Always Squatting

Running drills
Dynamic Hip Prep

Max Effort Squats- Beginners are doing Front Squats. Experienced lifters are doing Box Squats.

3 rounds-
10 Deadlifts
25 Air Squats
50 Situps

Sunday, November 13, 2011

11/14/11- So Much Power

General Dynamic Warmup

Dynamic Effort Pullups- If your 1rm is >50 lbs use 50%. If not, do dead hang pullups for speed

AMRAP Double-Unders in 10:00
Perform 3 Power Cleans at the top of each minute.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/10/11- Position Priority Day!

I know everyone is feeling pretty beat up with the volume of training ramping up so we are going to take this workout as a Position Priority Day. Rather than speed and intensity the focus will be on POSITION, TECHNIQUE, and ORGANIZATION.
On a similar note, now that the season is in full swing it is time to prioritize and make recovery a major focus point. That means:
- Eating IMMEDIATELY after workouts! This could be as basic as whey protein mixed in water but you need to eat as soon as possible after training.
- GET SLEEP. Adequate sleep is paramount to recovery and performance. Go to bed as early as possible.

Dynamic Warmup
Junkyard Dog Warmup

Dynamic Effort Back Squats- use 60-65% of your 1rm from Monday.

12 minutes of-
10 Hang Power Snatches
15 Situps
20 Air Squats

Monday, November 7, 2011

11/8/11- Cranking Chinups!

- Freshmen- Bring your computers down for registration!!
- Everyone did a great job ripping PRs yesterday. Keep up the positive energy!!! It's awesome!!!

General Dynamic Warmup
Gymnastics Warmup

Max Effort Chinup- 1rm weighted chinup (palms facing you) or max reps strict chinups

5 rounds:
3 Heavy-ish Push Jerks
6 Pullups
9 Pushups

This is a sprint! Don't hold back!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

11/7/11- Back Squats!

- Sophomores, I know you guys have registration, so bring your computer down with you. Early groupers, we'll let you out. Later groupers, you will register before you warm up.
- Freshmen, the above statement applies to you for Tuesday morning.
- Make sure you have your jump rope!

Choice of Jump Rope or Running practice
Dynamic Warmup
Dynamic Hip Prep

Max Effort Back Squats! Your choice of high-bar or low-bar.

4 rounds:
12 KB Swings (sub will be high pulls)
20 Double-Unders
100m Sprint (Down and back in Nelson)
Rest 1:30

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11/3/11- Steady Workin

Running Drills
Jumping and Landing Practice
Shoulder Prep

Dynamic Effort Split Jerk- 8 sets of 2 reps at 65-70% 1rm, alternating stance

10 rounds:
5 Power Cleans
7 Burpees
10 Lunge Jumps

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mobility Homework!

Proper texting setup! Get organized! My two favorite Crossfit coaches, definitely watch it.

Stay hydrated! The electrolyte stuff might sound tricky, but I keep a tub of sea salt down at the pool and tossing a little of that in your water bottle for workouts helps a ton!