Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chipper in the Heat

30 burpees
40 DB squat cleans 35#/hand
50 Overhead squat 45#
60 Abmat situps
70 Double-unders
500m run

time- 17:15
temperature outside- 86 degrees

Friday, July 29, 2011

Max Effort Upper- PushPress

PushPress 1rm- 165. Got 175# over my head but it was too far in front to lock out.
Bar Muscle-Up on the minute for 8 minutes
On the 9th minute- 4 unbroken bar muscle-ups
Parallette Puhsups- 4x10
Band Tricep Extensions- 2x45

Really pumped about my bar muscle ups. I've always had trouble with them and the singles were easy today. The unbroken 4 felt awesome. I will probably throw them into a metcon sometime soon.

Wednesday Workout

800m run
5 rounds:
5 Deadlift 225#
7 Box Jumps 24"
9 KB swings 24kg
100 Double-Unders

time- 12:35

It was really weird that these two workouts took pretty much the exact same time. That was not planned.

Wall Balls and Ropes

50 wall balls 18# ball 10' target
5 rope climbs 12'
40 wall balls
4 rope climbs
30 wall balls
3 rope climbs
20 wall balls
2 rope climbs
10 wall balls
1 rope climb

time- 12:36

Monday, July 25, 2011

Max Effort- High Bar Back Squat

My lower body 3 week strength cycles are structured as free squat, box squat, deadlift/goodmorning. This 3 week cycle begins with High Bar Back Squat.

High Bar Back Squat 1rm- 275#
Glute-Ham Raises- 3x10
7x50 yard sled drags 135#
Toes2Bar- 3x10

Saturday Workout

I felt pretty fried from the week's workouts so I did an interval/speed workout while Ian hit a met-con.

4 rounds:
7 broad jumps
12 Burpees
Walking recovery

Air Squat
KB swings 45#
Ab-mat situps
time- 9:02

Max Effort Incline With Ian

Ian Mackay was in town from Florida for the weekend. We hit a max effort upper body session together on Friday.

Incline Bench 1rm- Tyler 145# Ian 205#
KB bench 3x12- Tyler 35#x2 Ian 45#x2
Lying tricep extention 3x10- 25# db's
Curl-Grip Pendlay Rows 4x20- 53# KB

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Will Griffin Live From Buenos Aires

Griffin just sent me some training videos from Argentina. Here are his max effort power clean and power snatch. The power clean is 100kg (220 lbs) which ties his PR clean&jerk. The power snatch is 70kg (154 lbs) which is also a PR. He weighs 170 lbs in these videos.

Front Squats Running and Squat Snatches

This workout was written by the man himself Will Griffin. It was one of the most fun and challenging workouts I've done in a while.

30 Front Squats 135#
1 mile run
30 Squat Snatches 85#

time- 16:43

Running technique is SUPER important!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Muscle-Up and a Met-Con

Got my first muscle-up today! Did some practice with the same scaling I used last week then got it first try. Went unbroken on all sets in the metcon. Going overhead is a big weakness for me.

Banded Muscle-up- 5x2
7 Pushpress 95#
10 Pullups
 score- 10 rounds

Monday, July 18, 2011

Deficit Deadlifts

Deficit Deadlifts standing on a 3" bumper- 318# for 3 reps
8x20 yard sled drag with 160#
4 x 20 yard sled good morning with head harness with #70
3x15 GHD Situps

Here's a video of my deads from today. The first rep looks good, but on the second and third reps I don't get into a great setup position and the weights a little forward.

Saturday Workout

Myself, Griffin, and Daly decided to do a little competition with our Saturday workout this week. I'll post scores once Griffin reports his.

Also, got a new layout on here. I'm slowly making this place a little more viewer-friendly.

10 power clean 95#
15 bar facing burpees
20 double-unders

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gymnastics Day

Did some gymnastics work today. Worked on some Muscle-Up scaling from Gymnastics WOD ( and some other stuff. The met-con is my modification of a workout from a while back.

3 rounds:
10 scaled Muscle-Ups
10 Forward Rolls
20 Pistols, alternating legs
:40 handstand hold against wall

time- 12:40


Inverted hang work on rings

Powerlifting Class at Crossfit New England

John and I went to a powerlifting class at CFNE and got some great coaching on our squats and bench.

Squats with banded kettlebells 7x3
Bench with banded kettlebells Heavy 3
Backwards sled drags- 3 plates


Double Unders
Unanchored AbMat Sit-ups


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Max Effort- Box Squat with Bands

Box Squat 2rm- 235#+light bands (~80# of tension at the top)
RDLs- 3x12 165#
6x20 yard sled drag holding strap below knees
Knees2Elbows- 3x12

                                                              My Box Squat setup

Monday, July 11, 2011

Strongman Saturday

25 yard tire flip (440# i think)
25 yard farmers carry 75# per hand
8 FatBar Ground2Overhead 95#

score- 6 rounds even

Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Max Effort Upper- Bench

Bench Press 1rm- 165#
JM Press+CloseGripGrip Bench- 10+5 hanging 10# off either side with mini-bands
Tates press- 3x12 27.5# DBs
Curl-Grip Bent Rows- 3x12 95#

The JM+CGB was great, gotta be one of my go-to assistance movements now. Hanging the plates with mini-bands made it interesting.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Max Effort Lower- Zercher Squat

Zercher Squat- 285# 1rm
Good Morning, wide stance- 3x10 just above parallel at 95#
Weighted AbMat situps- 3x15 25#
Touch-and-go Box Jumps- 5x5 ~28 inches, rest :30 between sets

Zercher squats are a really cool movement- really big midline demand and an interesting "rack" position. My hip mobility is definitely progressing as I was able to do the zercher and the wide-stance GM's with my feet straight forward without my knees coming in.

K-Star with a heavy zercher.

TPSC Conjugate Crossfit Week 3 Day 4

9-7-5 115# Thruster
3-2-1 Rope Climb

time- 4:17

Super fun sprint. Heaviest thrusters I've ever done in a workout and I went unbroken here so that's good. Missed footing on my first climb on the set of 2 and got a pretty decent tear on my hand but besides that those were fine.

TPSC Conjugate Crossfit Week 3 Day 3

3 rounds:
20 power clean 95#
20 box jumps
20 pushups

time- 8:28

Another good workout for me. Kept a consistent pace through out.

TPSC Conjugate Crossfit Week 3 Day 2

4 rounds for time:
10 FatGrip deadlifts 135#
20 OHS 75#
30 abmat situps
150m run with 35# bar

Time- 16:26

This was a good workout for me. Kept a steady pace, unbroken on everything but the last 2 sets of OHS. Went double-overhand with the fat grip deads and those were really tough. Im excited to started using them on some other movements.

TPSC Conjugate Crossfit Week 3 Day 1

Dynamic Squats to a Low Box, :40 rest between sets
8x2 135#
4x2 155#

Dynamic Bench, same rest scheme
8x3 95#, 1 second pause at the bottom

Felt really fried and under-recovered and have to travel a lot at the end of this week so I'm going to take a de-load week. First time doing box squats in a long time and these felt great. Bench felt so-so.