Thursday, May 31, 2012


Jump Rope Practice
Running Drills
General Dynamic

AMRAP 15:00-
10 Pullups (Chest-to-bar if you can)
20 Box Jumps
400m run (sub a 500m row if possible)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


General Dynamic
Choice Mobility
Junkyard Dog

Power Snatch, 1 rep max

Death by Squat Cleans and Burpees
The 1st minute, do 1 squat clean and 1 burpee
The 2nd minute, do 2 squat cleans and 2 burpees
The 3rd minute, do 3 squat cleans and 3 burpees
Continue until failure.
EDIT: DO NOT rest and repeat. Just do it once through. If you did it twice I apologize
Women's weight is 45#-65#
Men's weight is 75-95#

Monday, May 28, 2012


Running Drills
General Dynamic
Overhead Mobility

Press, find a 3 rep max

8 Push Press (Guys use 75-95, girls use 45-65)
30 feet walking lunge
12 Pushups
30 feet walking lunge

On the press and push press, shoot your head through as the bar goes over your head.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Today starts summer programming! Cycle's will last two weeks, so follow everything in order.

Jump Rope Practice
General Dynamic
Squat mobility Prep

Back Squat 3 rep max
Take 5-6 sets to work up to your 3 rep max

7:00 clock-
30 Back Squats (men's weights are 115-155, women's weights are 55-75)
AMRAP Double-Unders (scale is short box jumps)

Post score for both to comments.

On the back squats, make sure you get organized before you unrack the back, squeeze your abs and big breath to reset between reps.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Programming- UPDATE

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay with this.
Summer programming is going to resume on the blog on Monday. It is going to follow a template similar to what we follow in season. It will go as follows:

Monday- Max Effort Lower Body and Metcon
Tuesday- Max Effort Upper Body and Metcon
Wednesday- Rest
Thursday- Max Effort Full Body and Metcon
Friday- Metcon
Saturday- Choice
Sunday- rest

Monday will usually be some sort of squat.
Tuesday will usually be some sort of press
Thursday will usually be some sort of Olympic lift.

If you are swimming full time, do the Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday workouts! You have to get 3 strength workouts and 3 metcons in per week.
I am leaving Saturday workouts open for you to decide for yourself.

If anyone has any question shoot me a call, text, or e-mail and I will help you out as best I can.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I hope everyone's finals are going/went smoothly.
Programming for the summer is going to start going up this week.
Before I can start it, though, I need to hear from everyone that will be following my programming (rather than going to a Crossfit gym at home).
I need a count of everyone and what your equipment situation is. Please email me about this ASAP so I can get everything rolling.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Just to keep everyone in the loop in regards to programming, we are going to start doing some sort of strength or skill work every session again.
Don't think of this as a throwaway warmup piece. Approach each session as two WODs. The strength and skill work if an opportunity for you to both improve positioning and get stronger, both of which are VITAL to athletic development.

This WOD is a SPRINT. Get after it from the start and show some wicked speed.

Easy row
PVC shoulder pass-thrus
Choice Mobility
General Dynamic

On the minute for 15 minutes-
2 Back Squats at ~80% (when in doubt, round up)

10 rounds, on a 1:30 send-off
Sprint 100m
5 Burpees

Sprint is your choice of location- field hockey field, football field, down-back in Nelson. You could even do 100m row sprints. Your call. Either way, BE FAST.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We're going to get after one of the most notorious Crossfit workouts- FRAN
Do some mobility to ready for thrusters and pullups.
Talk to me about scaling options for pullups.

Easy Row
General Dynamic
Squat Prep

5 sets of 3 thrusters, working up to a heavy-ish set of 3.
Practice a few kipping pullups after each set to get ready for WOD


Girls use 45# on the thrusters. If you are feeling bold give 65# a try.
Guys use 75-95#. Don't be afraid to go with a heavier weight.

Monday, May 14, 2012


With the year wrapping up I thought it would be fun to do a WOD that incorporates both Crossfit and swimming.
Coordinate workout times so we can do this in big groups!

Swim Warmup

100 yard swim
10 wall muscle-ups (explained below)
Go up the stairs and perform 20 walking lunges

For wall muscle-ups, use the middle lanes with the elevated walls and get your hands on top of them as if you were doing a pullup. Pull yourself up out of the water until your arms are straight and you are on top of the ledge. This is one rep.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Time for a Powerlifting Day!
Bout to move some heavy weights!
Plan for a 2:00 PM workout! If this does not work for you please let me know.

With two strength movements, we're gonna break the workout up a little differently. We will do general warmup and mobility, then deadlift specific prep followed by heavy deadlifts. Then we will do a bench/floor press specific warmup followed by heavy bench.

Easy row
General Dynamic
Choice Mobility

Mobilize your glutes and hamstrings
Practice some light deadlifts. Focus on proper setup and unbroken reps.
1-1-1-1-1 Deadlift
5 sets to find a 1 rep max

Bench Press-
Shoulder Mobility
Practice light sets of both bench press and floor press. Focusing on pinching your shoulder blades back and breaking the bar.
5 sets to find a 3 rep max

On the deadlift-
Tight butt tight abs! Load your hips then get your chest up and stand up with it!
Squeeze your abs the whole movement! Bring your shoulders back as you stand up!

On the bench press-
Pinch your shoulder blades back as you unrack the bar!
Pull your elbows in and think about breaking the bar!

Friday, May 11, 2012


For those of you not doing Special Olympic tomorrow morning, we will be working out while that is going on so we can get a WOD in before the team BBQ at 1:30.
Let's meet at the pool a little before 12 Noon and move as a group.

Choice Mobility
General Dynamic
Burpee Practice

Pick a movement you suck at and get some practice in!
This could be overhead squats, swings, cleans, anything.


3 rounds:
15 DB snatch, right arm
30 Double-Unders
15 DB snatch, left arm
30 Double-Unders

If you do not have double unders, sub 15 Box Jumps or 40 Lateral Hops over the dumbbell.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I will be training around 10:15-10:30 tomorrow morning. If that times works for you, please join!
As we have done in the past, this workout will have different tiers based on training experience.
The workout will be performed in Nelson.

Running Drills
Choice Mobility
General Dynamic

Jump Rope- practice Double Unders


4 rounds-
30 Air Squats
12 Pullups (if you don't have kipping pullups, do 20 CHEST-TO-BAR jumping pullups)
2 laps around Nelson

4 rounds-
20 Goblet Squats (hold the kettlebell at your chest a la front rack)
20 Pullups
2 laps around Nelson

For the goblet squats, if you squat is <225# use a 35# kettlebell. If your squat is >225# use a 45# kettlebell.

You all know these movements. Attack this WOD from the start.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Big strength day today!
Mobilize those shoulder and thoracic spines to get ready to move some weight overhead!
Go heavy on this workout! Reach a max on each movement and rep scheme

Easy row or jump rope practice
Shoulder and Thoracic Mobility
Handstand work
A few sets of Press-PushPress-Push Jerk with empty bar or mini-bar

Shoulder Press- 5 sets of 1 rep
Push Press- 5 sets of 3 reps
Push Jerk- 5 sets of 5 reps

Tight butt tight abs on all movements! Drive through your heels!
Break the bar overhead!
When you lower the weight, pull the bar back right up against your throat and bring your elbows in!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Easy Row
General Dynamic
Choice Mobility
Junkyard Dog

Work up to a heavy-ish set of 3 reps of hang power clean

24 light Swings to eye level (girls use 25#, guys use 35# or 45#)
12 Burpees
6 Hang Power Cleans, use a challenging weight!

On the swings, let the weight load your hips back and thrust it up with your hips! Keep your butt and abs squeezed as the weight rises!
On the cleans, big jump! Get your elbows around fast and pull yourself under the bar!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


After an extra rest day and with everyone having re-charged a bit we're gonna get after it this week.
Do some mobility and get ready to SQUAT HEAVY!

Easy 500m row
Squat mobility prep

3 rep max back squat. Find the heaviest set of 3 reps possible.

3 rounds:
20 Overhead Lunges (girls use 25# plate, guys use 45# plate)
AMRAP unbroken Knees2Elbows
Rest as Needed Between Rounds

You all now how to back squat. Coach each other and cheer each other on. Be aggressive.
On the overhead lunges, keep your shoulders active, trying to point your elbows and armpits forward.
On the Knees2Elbows, keep those abs tight on the back swing and kip it the way you would a pullup. Don't forget to pull back form your shoulders as you bring your knees up.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


After a tough week of training we're gonna mix it up a little on Friday and take Saturday as a rest day.
For this workout, coordinate and find a partner that weigh about the same as you.

Jump Rope Practice
General Dynamic

Skill Work:
Running Drills- you all know the deal by now, do a few lengths of Nelson and dial in your technique.

Partner Carry 2 laps around Nelson
Sprint 4 laps the opposite direction

Don't hold back. Go Fast.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Really good deadlift technique video! Watch it before embarking on the deadlifts in today's skill work!

Make sure you are warming up enough! Just doing dynamic is not enough!
Follow the skill work posted here. Working on these skill transfer exercises will greatly help your WOD.

There will be a few different modifications of the workout based on experience levels.
Note that some workouts require use of the Ab-Mats. I will leave two of them in the pool classroom and you can alternate use of them.

Easy 500m row
General Dynamic
Shoulder Prep (mobility, lax balls, PVC pass throughs)

Skill Work:
5 sets of 5 deadlifts, working on unbroken sets.
Reset at the top and hold your breath. Lower the bar by sending your hips straight back and SQUEEZING YOUR ABS. Pull the bar up and keep your chest up.


30 Situps after each set

All situps are butterfly style- bottoms of the feet touching and knees out. Hands over your head at the top and touch past your feet at the finish.
If you don't have pullups scale to CHEST TO BAR horizontal rows. See previous posts on this if you have questions. If you are kipping, tight butt tight abs to dial that in.
On the pushups, start the movement by bringing your shoulders forward and down. Elbows in the whole time.

Chest-to-Bar Pullups, Chin over top bar if you are on the handles in the cage
Clapping Pushups
30 AbMat situps after each set.

On the situps, get weights to anchor your feet or have someone stand on them. Hands over your head at the top, touching the anchor of your feet at the finish.
Tight butt tight abs to dial that kip in.
On the pushups, focus on setting your shoulders back and keeping your elbows pointed towards your feet.

Guys with Muscle Ups-
Talk to me and we will plan together