Sunday, December 12, 2010

Workout for Monday 13 December 2010

This break I am actually going to continue to post our daily workouts. Post your results to the comments section. Warmup is as follows: 2-3 min row row or bike, dynamic shoulder rotations, dynamic hip swings, 30 sit ups, 30 back extensions, 10-15 air squats feel your bottom position, 10-15 pushups done quickly.
I will also post coaching cues/notes and post-workout stretching.
If you have any questions feel free to call text or e-mail me and I'll get right back to you.

Tomorrow's Workout:
Front squat- 3 rep max

Notes- Keep the bar tight against your throat with high elbows! Big brace and chest up!


4 rounds with 2:00 rest between rounds:
8 unbroken squat snatches
16 pullups
24 box jumps

Notes: Choose a weight you can handle unbroken! Hold your brace throughout the entire squat snatch movement! Stay tight and use your kip on the pullups!

-Hip stretch with leg on box/ledge
-Overhead/Streamline stretch
-Calf stretch against wall
-Hip flexor stretch-

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