Monday, December 13, 2010

Workout for Tuesday 14 December 2010

Tomorrow's Workout:
2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (That's 10 sets of 2) Deadlift
Rest :60 between sets, try to add weight each set

Notes: These are touch and go, meaning don't let go of the bar. Make sure you maintain the lumbar curve in your spine! When you lower the weight, start by bringing your hips down and back, don't just bend over and drop it!


5 rounds:
12 swings
12 knees to elbows (sub is situps)
21 double unders (subs are either x2 tuck jumps or x3 jump rope singles

Notes: Maintain your lumbar curve on the swings! Get the weight up with your hips, not your arms! On the double unders, flick down and try to swing the rope with your wrists rather than your arms.

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