Yesterday's post discussed just one movement and how it transfer from the weight room to the pool. I am going to carry on with this theme because it is worth discussing, given that the reason we train is to swim faster. Many movements we do carry over very well to the pool, but perhaps none do it better than the Olympic lifts- the snatch and the clean and jerk. They are dynamic pulls and presses that require multiple flexions and extensions of the hip and constant midline stability. Hey, these are the same components of the competitive strokes, especially butterfly, breaststroke, and underwater dolphin kick! Excellent! Tomorrow's workout will focus on the clean and jerk. Watch the video linked below to see both excellent technique and coaching of this movement.
Tomorrow's Workout:
Posterior Chain/Midline Work- Sled drags, glute-hame raises, back extensions. Good Mornings and RDL's for experienced athletes.
8 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of work, 1 minute of rest
Squat clean and push jerk
"He who rises 360 days a year before dawn will not fail to make his family rich."
-Ancient Chinese proverb
Yes! It's great to see a skill coach recognize the many benefits of Olympic lifting. I train many athletes in Olympic lifting, including two female swimmers. These girls are faster than most boys in the water. And if you don't have the time to teach the clasic lifts then kettlebells are a great substitute. Good luck.