Monday, November 22, 2010

Last Workout Before Break

Tomorrow morning is the last group workout for almost a week. If you need workouts for the week text or call me and we can put something together. If you can go to a gym near your house that would be a great idea. I will still be posting workouts throughout the week and the schedule will be as follows:
Tuesday- Squat and workout
Wednesday- Snatch heavy single and workout
Thursday- Thanksgiving! Rest Day
Friday- Bench and Workout
Saturday- Workout

Tomorrow's Workout:
-2:00 row
- Dynamic shoulder mobility
-Hip swings, forward and laterally
- Spidermans
- Stroke simulation in front of mirror (we'll go over this)
- A few box jumps

Squat: add 5 pounds or Wendler Week 2


5 rounds:
10 deadlifts
25 double-unders

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