Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rest Day and Video

Kosuke Kitajima is the fastest breaststroker in the world and his excellent technique is a primary reason for his success.
Technique Points to notice:
-Head Position- He keeps his head in a neutral position. He doesn't bury it underwater or overextend to breathe.
-Hand Speed- His hands are quick through the middle of the stroke, there's no pause during his breath.
-Hips- His hips stay at the surface of the water and don't drop when he breathes.
-Kick- His kick is tight, quick, and relatively narrow. He doesn't let his legs go out wide, he uses his feet and flexible ankles to grab water.
Kitajima is one of the few athletes who swam near best times on the international level this summer and this was made possible by his neural excellence. He didn't just go to the dance, he chose his dance partner.

Tomorrow's Workout:
Rest Day!

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